Justice should be served this time. Yes!!, obviously merchant fails to win the chargebacks at times, he is left with no support and is left only with the losses in their pocket.
Chargeback Expertz will rescue from the tough fights with the unexpected friendly frauds.
Happily, there are a few security steps through which merchants can save themselves from Friendly Frauds or Chargebacks.
1.Play Smartly:
As its pretty much known to every merchant that chargebacks lead to a huge loss of money from the merchant’s pocket. So, why to afford that loss, better to give the customer a refund. They will happily keep mum. So, the easiest way is to refund the amount in their pocket.
2. React to Chargeback Within a Pinch of the second:
Make a note, not all customers will ask you for the money directly. So, make a thumb rule. The moment a chargeback enters your system, act immediately and inform them card-issuing bank, keeping the reason behind that.
Reason codes are applied up to that some of them are stated below:
- Clerical: This slot considers the duplicate billing, incorrect amounts or refunds that never arrived.
- Quality: considering the damage SKU’S, Defective or not delivered.
- Fraud: falls the unauthorized purchased with the compromised card.
3. Keep paperwork strong:
You need to have a strong base to fight against the Chargebacks. The merchant should not trust anyone in this case, he/she should keep, invoices, emails, order histories, phone records, IP addresses, timestamps, order histories, ledgers, Receipts
These are a few basic tips in which a merchant should make a routine of it.
Need to know about WHAT ARE CHARGEBACKS? and how to deal with that. Chargeback Expertz inviting you with open hands call us at +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at app@chargebackexpertz.com.
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